Group Buying Programs
NATSN has group buying programs for MEMBERS only. With this program in place, members have the ability to securely purchase products, for C-Stores, Restaurants, Cleaning and Dishwashing supplies, etc., as a network making purchases direct with the manufacturer, the savings to the member will be substantial.
NATSN works with Farmer Bros. Coffee and since we realize what a sensitive issue coffee can be with the truck stop operator, we encourage our truck stops to call Farmer Bros. Let one of their salesman come in and show you what products would be good for your location and how to save money by purchasing through them.
Several other programs are in place that can bring you, the truck stop operator, higher profits. At NATSN, our buying programs are free to the membership; NATSN does not ask for one cent from the vendor, we want our operators to realize all the savings.
NATSN has special pricing from the following companies and if you choose to participate, your bottom line will INCREASE!!!
- Farmer Bros. Coffee
- DAS – Barjan – Highway Distributing – (leading C-Store Supplies)
- US Foodservice
- Graphic Arts – (supplier of Trendar-like paper with NATSN logo)
- American Health & Nutrition
For more savings please check out the Affiliate Members.