NATSN Partners with Road Ranger
North American Truck Stop Network is pleased to announce the addition of six new locations. NATSN announced this week a partnership with Road Ranger USA, which brings six new locations in Texas to the NATSN network. Please join us in welcoming the following Road Ranger locations to the NATSN family:
Road Ranger 270
I-35, Exit 111
Moore, TX 78057
Road Ranger 271
I-20, Exit 108
Odessa, TX 79763
Road Ranger 272
I-35, Exit 39
Encinal, TX 78019
Road Ranger 273
I-69 & US 77 @ State Rte. 107
Combes, TX 78535
Road Ranger 275
I-10, Exit 400
Sonora, TX 76950
Road Ranger 276
I-35, Exit 342B
Waco, TX 76705